Friday, 1 March 2013

What is DUI?

It is enough difficult to drive a motor vehicle in normal condition, but it is almost impossible to drive a car under influence of drug. Every year a noteworthy number of traffic accidents occur because of driving under influence of drug. Many people die and injured seriously for this reason. As a result, many places — including all 50 states in the US — to found strong laws regarding drivers who drive vehicles while drunk. In some states, desecration of these laws is called DUI, or Driving Under the Influence. Other states denote to this violation as DWI, short for Driving While Intoxicated.

In the US, many state DUI laws were established in response to federal highway funding mandates. In order to succeed for federal road maintenance assistance, separate states were bound to outline a legal age for alcohol drinking and laws outlining the legal level of intoxication for drivers. In general, states established a legal drinking age of 21 years old, although some allowed the consumption of low-alcohol beers and wines at age 18. Later, federal highway mandates encouraged a uniform drinking age of 21.

See Also: How Do I Choose The Best DUI Attorney

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