Unfortunately, DUI charges are becoming more and more popular these days because young adults do not have a full understanding of the consequences of this charge on their records. In addition to the charges being placed on your record, many fail to understand how expensive these charges can be. Before you consider getting into your car to drive home after drinking all night, you might want to reconsider and take a cab. By doing so, you can reassure yourself that you have job security, a drivers license to get around tomorrow, and money in your pocket since you will not have to expense for your mistake.
In today's economy, jobs are harder to find and have more restrictions to narrow down the applicants. With that being said, if you are in the process of moving towards your career or dream job, you might want to think before you decide to drink and drive. Most jobs require a background check and your driving record is evaluated. When a DUI charge is placed on your record, it can make your current or future job opportunities question your responsibility. This can have a negative effect on your employment and hold you back from future career opportunities.
Driving License
In addition to risking job opportunities, by making the choice to drink and drive under the influence, you risk losing your license. For most, this can be devastating and life changing. Losing your license means you cannot drive to your own comfort and have to struggle to find rides to and from places to get around. Relying on other people to get you from one place to the other can be frustrating and time consuming.
DUI charges come with serious fines and additional work to get settled. When a DUI charge is placed on your record, you have to complete the following:
In today's economy, jobs are harder to find and have more restrictions to narrow down the applicants. With that being said, if you are in the process of moving towards your career or dream job, you might want to think before you decide to drink and drive. Most jobs require a background check and your driving record is evaluated. When a DUI charge is placed on your record, it can make your current or future job opportunities question your responsibility. This can have a negative effect on your employment and hold you back from future career opportunities.
Driving License
In addition to risking job opportunities, by making the choice to drink and drive under the influence, you risk losing your license. For most, this can be devastating and life changing. Losing your license means you cannot drive to your own comfort and have to struggle to find rides to and from places to get around. Relying on other people to get you from one place to the other can be frustrating and time consuming.
DUI charges come with serious fines and additional work to get settled. When a DUI charge is placed on your record, you have to complete the following:
- Pay for bail/tow
- Pay fines ranging between $500-$1,000
- Pay a probation officer if you are placed on probation
- Attend an alcohol awareness class
- Attend defensive driving class
- Complete 100-150 community service hours
- Pay for a lawyer which usually starts around $2,000 and goes up depending on your individual case
- Pay to have your license reinstated, if suspended
- To keep yourself from having to pay expensive fines and having this charge present on your driving record, call a cab and expense a few bucks to keep you from having to spend thousands.
If you choose to drive under the influence, you risk your career, your driving privileges, and will have to spend thousands in the process to close your case. In addition, expungement is extremely difficult to near impossible in most states so you will be stuck with this for quite some time. Take the time to be responsible when it comes to your social life and protect others around you in the process by getting a safe ride home. You will be thankful in the morning that you are home safe and not sitting in jail waiting to be bailed out.